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The Limited Submission Process at UCLA

Limited submission opportunities (LSOs) are funding solicitations that limit the number of submissions for an organization. Participation in an internal selection process is required to apply for LSOs.

A unit of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities (ORCA), the Research Enhancement Office (REO) has responsibility for the UCLA limited submission process. Once an LSO is identified, REO manages the internal campus process to select the UCLA submission(s). The details for all current LSOs are posted on the LSO portal. 

View LSO Portal

REO makes every effort to identify all LSOs. However, if you are aware of an opportunity that does not appear in our portal, please contact our office

Any questions regarding LSOs can be directed to

Navigating the UCLA LSO Process

This image generally denotes each step of the limited submission process from the discovery of the opportunity to the submission to the funding agency.


Our office aims to identify and post LSOs in a timely manner by actively monitoring online resources, including subscription services like SPIN, sponsor funding websites and newsletters, invitations emailed to UCLA, and our calendar of recurring opportunities. LSOs are added to the LSO portal on a rolling basis. The postings include an overview of the opportunity, special eligibility criteria, and information regarding the requirements for internal submission. Internal deadlines and requirements are set to give faculty the maximum time possible for preparing internal submission materials, as well as sufficient time to prepare their proposals well in advance of both the UCLA Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) deadline and the sponsor deadline.

View LSO Portal

If you are aware of an opportunity that does not appear in our portal, please contact our office at so that we can ensure that the opportunity goes through the campus process.

LSOs posted in the portal are also announced in our weekly newsletter.

Subscribe to the LSO Newsletter

If you are unsure if an opportunity is an LSO, please refer to the linked information below. If you still have questions, please email

How to Identify a Limited Submission Guide

Our office aims to identify and post LSOs in a timely manner by actively monitoring online resources, including subscription services like SPIN, sponsor funding websites and newsletters, invitations emailed to UCLA, and our calendar of recurring opportunities. LSOs are added to the LSO portal on a rolling basis. The postings include an overview of the opportunity, special eligibility criteria, and information regarding the requirements for internal submission. Internal deadlines and requirements are set to give faculty the maximum time possible for preparing internal submission materials, as well as sufficient time to prepare their proposals well in advance of both the UCLA Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) deadline and the sponsor deadline.

View LSO Portal

If you are aware of an opportunity that does not appear in our portal, please contact our office at so that we can ensure that the opportunity goes through the campus process.

LSOs posted in the portal are also announced in our weekly newsletter.

Subscribe to the LSO Newsletter

If you are unsure if an opportunity is an LSO, please refer to the linked information below. If you still have questions, please email

How to Identify a Limited Submission Guide

Interested applicants should use the "Apply" button in the postings on our portal to fill out the online application and submit the required materials. All applications must be submitted through the portal by 11:59 p.m. on the internal due date. If you anticipate having difficulty meeting the deadline, please contact us via email in advance of the due date.

If no applications are received by the internal deadline (or fewer applications than the funding agency limit), an LSO will have its status changed to "extended," at which point it becomes open until filled, pending internal approval. If you are interested in applying for an opportunity in "extended" status, contact our office to determine how to proceed.

Once the internal deadline has passed (or a submission is received for an "extended" opportunity), an internal review process will take place in order to determine the selected UCLA applicant(s) who will be given permission to proceed with the submission.

All applicants will be notified regarding the outcome of the review of their internal application, and anonymized reviewer comments and notes will be shared as available. 

For applicants selected to move forward with a submission, the relevant campus partners will be included in the outcome notification:

UCLA's Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA)

OCGA assists the campus research community in reviewing, approving, and submitting proposal applications and negotiating and executing contracts and grants from government and non-profit sponsors. Typically proposals will need to be coordinated through OCGA for review and submission. OCGA will be bcc'ed on outcome notifications to ensure the office is aware of which applicants are authorized to submit for an LSO. Selected applicant(s) should consult with the pre-award contact(s) in their department to determine the appropriate timeframe and processes for coordinating submission through OCGA. Please visit the OCGA website for additional information about proposal preparation and submission.

Foundation Relations and Corporate Philanthropy

Staff in the central Office of Foundation Relations and Corporate Philanthropy (FRCP) and school-based Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) offices play a vital role in cultivating and maintaining relationships between UCLA and philanthropic organizations. Foundation relations staff will typically be copied on outcome notifications for LSOs from nonprofit sponsors. They can provide expertise and assistance on submissions and help review and prepare submissions to these sponsors (e.g., private foundations).

Researchers are welcome to contact foundation relations staff at any stage for tailored assistance in their proposal development or for questions related to a particular nonprofit sponsor.

UCLA Foundation Relations & Corporate Philanthropy

College of Letters and Science CFR Office

Health Sciences CFRR Development

Samueli School of Engineering CFR Office

Fielding School of Public Health CFR Office

The researcher(s) given permission to proceed will submit the proposal(s) to the funding agency following submission procedures.

Being awarded a submission slot for an LSO is a privilege. When awarding a designated application slot, the review committee has every expectation that the selected team will follow through and apply. If circumstances arise that lead a selected team to believe that it will not be able to submit the application to the funding agency, it is expected that the team will immediately notify the LSO office so that the slot may be assigned to another team or reopened. A team's failure to follow through with an application and provide prompt notification to the LSO office is information that the review committee may use in future decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a limited submission opportunity (LSO)?

An LSO is a funding opportunity for which the funding agency has limited the number of submissions (e.g., LOI, application, proposal, nomination) that an organization, such as UCLA, may submit. On behalf of ORCA, REO is responsible for sharing LSOs with campus on the LSO portal and in its weekly newsletter and managing the campus process whereby internal applications are submitted for consideration for a UCLA application slot.

Where can I find a list of limited submission funding opportunities?

All open, extended, and recently closed limited submission opportunities can be accessed through our online LSO portal. See below for a description of each status (i.e. open, extended, and closed).

For planning purposes, you may refer to a list of annually recurring foundation LSOs, sorted by the quarter we anticipate opening the competition. As a friendly reminder, the provided timeline is approximate and subject to change based on information provided by the sponsor.

What is the difference between "Open," "Extended," and "Closed" limited submission opportunities (LSOs)?

"Open" LSOs are opportunities for which the internal deadline has not passed. To ensure consideration for an application slot, applicants should submit the materials requested in the application portal posting by the internal deadline.

"Extended" LSOs are opportunities for which the internal deadline has passed, and either no applications were received or fewer than the funder's limit were received. These opportunities are open until filled, pending internal review.

"Closed" LSOs are opportunities for which either the selection of the UCLA applicant(s) is complete or the funder deadline has passed.

What do I do if I find a limited submission opportunity that is not posted on UCLA's LSO portal?

We attempt to identify available limited submission opportunities and provide information about them in a timely manner. However, if you are aware of an opportunity that does not appear in our portal, please contact our office as soon as possible so that we can ensure that there is a transparent selection process.

I found an opportunity for which I'd like to apply. How can I tell whether it is a limited submission opportunity?

If you come across an opportunity and are unsure if it is a limited submission, please consult the LSO portal to see if the opportunity is posted. If the opportunity is not posted and you are unsure whether it is an LSO, check out our guide, "How to Identify a Limited Submission", which was created to help our colleagues review the sponsor's guidelines for any indications of institutional limits and identify an LSO.

Please contact our office as soon as possible if you identify an LSO not on our portal so that we can ensure it goes through the campus process. The UCLA community is also welcome to get in touch with us to request a review of an opportunity if they are unable to make a determination, or want confirmation, about its limited submission status.

How can I be notified about upcoming limited submission opportunities?

You may subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive a listing of all currently available limited submission opportunities. Recently posted LSOs are featured in a dedicated section.

Whom do I contact if I have questions about a limited submission opportunity or the campus process?

Questions regarding limited submission opportunities and the campus process should be sent to

What is a limited submission opportunity (LSO)?

An LSO is a funding opportunity for which the funding agency has limited the number of submissions (e.g., LOI, application, proposal, nomination) that an organization, such as UCLA, may submit. On behalf of ORCA, REO is responsible for sharing LSOs with campus on the LSO portal and in its weekly newsletter and managing the campus process whereby internal applications are submitted for consideration for a UCLA application slot.

Where can I find a list of limited submission funding opportunities?

All open, extended, and recently closed limited submission opportunities can be accessed through our online LSO portal. See below for a description of each status (i.e. open, extended, and closed).

For planning purposes, you may refer to a list of annually recurring foundation LSOs, sorted by the quarter we anticipate opening the competition. As a friendly reminder, the provided timeline is approximate and subject to change based on information provided by the sponsor.

What is the difference between "Open," "Extended," and "Closed" limited submission opportunities (LSOs)?

"Open" LSOs are opportunities for which the internal deadline has not passed. To ensure consideration for an application slot, applicants should submit the materials requested in the application portal posting by the internal deadline.

"Extended" LSOs are opportunities for which the internal deadline has passed, and either no applications were received or fewer than the funder's limit were received. These opportunities are open until filled, pending internal review.

"Closed" LSOs are opportunities for which either the selection of the UCLA applicant(s) is complete or the funder deadline has passed.

What do I do if I find a limited submission opportunity that is not posted on UCLA's LSO portal?

We attempt to identify available limited submission opportunities and provide information about them in a timely manner. However, if you are aware of an opportunity that does not appear in our portal, please contact our office as soon as possible so that we can ensure that there is a transparent selection process.

I found an opportunity for which I'd like to apply. How can I tell whether it is a limited submission opportunity?

If you come across an opportunity and are unsure if it is a limited submission, please consult the LSO portal to see if the opportunity is posted. If the opportunity is not posted and you are unsure whether it is an LSO, check out our guide, "How to Identify a Limited Submission", which was created to help our colleagues review the sponsor's guidelines for any indications of institutional limits and identify an LSO.

Please contact our office as soon as possible if you identify an LSO not on our portal so that we can ensure it goes through the campus process. The UCLA community is also welcome to get in touch with us to request a review of an opportunity if they are unable to make a determination, or want confirmation, about its limited submission status.

How can I be notified about upcoming limited submission opportunities?

You may subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive a listing of all currently available limited submission opportunities. Recently posted LSOs are featured in a dedicated section.

Whom do I contact if I have questions about a limited submission opportunity or the campus process?

Questions regarding limited submission opportunities and the campus process should be sent to

How do I know if I am eligible to apply for an LSO?

An overview of the eligibility criteria for an opportunity is listed in the LSO portal posting for each opportunity. However, it is recommended that you also consult the program solicitation to determine whether there are other relevant eligibility criteria either for the submitting institution or for the PI, co-PIs, and other personnel.

What time on the internal deadline is the application due?

Applications should be submitted by 11:59pm on the internal deadline date (unless otherwise stated in the guidelines listed on the LSO portal).

What do I need to submit for consideration for a UCLA application slot?

Please refer to the individual posting in our LSO portal (specifically to the "Internal Application Process" section) for information regarding what materials should be submitted for consideration for the application slot.

I am submitting a competitive renewal to an existing grant program that is a limited submission. Do I automatically receive authorization to submit?

If you anticipate submitting a competitive renewal application to an existing program that is a limited submission, please email our office as early as possible. Typically, renewal applications are given preferential consideration for application slots. However, this determination is subject to internal review and approval, so applicants must contact our office as early as possible in advance of a submission. Factors that may be considered by the review team include (but are not limited to):

  • Campus communications with the funding agency;
  • Whether the FOA has undergone significant revision since the last cycle in which the incumbent was funded;
  • If the campus has more than one competing renewal for a single slot; and
  • Track record of applicant in following through with timely submittals to funding agencies.

I applied for a limited submission opportunity last year, was selected as a UCLA applicant, and submitted a final proposal to the funding agency. Although I was not funded by the agency, they encouraged me to apply again during their next cycle. Do I have to go through the internal selection process again or do I automatically receive an application slot?

If you were selected for a UCLA application slot for a previous cycle of a limited submission opportunity, but were not funded by the agency, you must re-compete for an application slot in any subsequent cycle, regardless of whether the funding agency encouraged you to re-apply. However, you should be sure to include this information in your application packet, as well as attaching any reviewer comments you may have received. It is important for the reviewers to have this information as they consider which applicant(s) will be awarded an application slot.

Can I submit an internal application for the next cycle of an opportunity if I am not selected for a UCLA application slot?

Provided you continue to meet the eligibility criteria for a program, you may resubmit for the next application cycle of an opportunity. However, please indicate in the appropriate section on the application that you applied internally in the previous cycle and were not selected as the UCLA applicant/nominee.

I missed the internal deadline for a limited submission or I am worried I don't have enough time to compile the internal submission. What should I do?

If you have missed or anticipate missing the internal deadline for a limited submission for which you would like to apply, please contact our office as soon as possible at

Do I receive confirmation after submitting an LSO internal application?

Yes (but not immediately). Our application system does not provide automatic confirmation. However, within one (1) business day of your submission, you will receive an email from our office confirming receipt of your application materials. If you do not hear from us within one (1) business day, please follow up with us over email to ensure we received your application materials.   

What is an externally coordinated submission?

For certain limited submission opportunities, another unit on campus may manage the internal selection process. This delegation of the process can be for a number of reasons, including eligibility restrictions or another unit's greater expertise in the area of the funding opportunity. For opportunities that are managed in this way, they will be marked as "Externally coordinated" in the posting title with additional instructions regarding how to submit and/or whom to contact regarding internal submissions for consideration for a UCLA application slot in the "Internal Application Process" section of the posting.

Listed below are some of our regular campus partners responsible for overseeing or partnering with us on externally coordinated submissions.

UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

UCLA Graduate Education

UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Center

Who reviews/evaluates the LSO internal applications? How are reviewers selected?

Internal applications are reviewed by an ad hoc committee that typically consists of deans, research deans, and/or other faculty. In rare circumstances, we may secure an external reviewer. The reviewers selected for a particular opportunity vary based upon factors including the divisions from which applications are received, the number of applications received, and the type of opportunity. Faculty may be asked to serve as ad hoc reviewers due to their particular area of expertise, experience with a funder, or other factors that would allow them to provide valuable information to inform the selection process.

What criteria are used to evaluate limited submission proposals?

The overarching goal of the limited submission process is to choose the applicant(s) from UCLA who are most likely to be selected by the funder. Thus, the review criteria used by the reviewers for a specific limited submission are dependent upon the review criteria emphasized by the funding agency. Generally, reviewers consider the merits of the proposed project, the qualifications of the individual applicant or applicant team, and, most importantly, the proposal's match with the funder's priorities.

In advance of submitting an internal application for an LSO, we recommend that you consult the funding agency materials to get a better sense of both their stated review criteria and the kinds of projects they have funded in the past. This will help you determine if your proposal is a strong fit for the particular program.

How are applicants notified if they are selected for a limited submission slot?

Once the internal selection for a limited submission has been finalized, all applicants (both selected and non-selected) will be notified of the outcome via an email to the address indicated on the application.

Will I get feedback on my internal LSO application?

Due to the large number of LSOs managed by our office, we cannot always generate individualized feedback for internal applicants. On occasion, the review committee may have feedback for the selected applicants about how to strengthen their application to the funder or may have feedback for an unsuccessful applicant to encourage a future internal submission. This feedback is typically communicated by our office in the decision notification email or by one of the reviewers.

I have been selected to move forward as UCLA's applicant. What happens next?

Once you have been selected to move forward as a UCLA applicant, you should work with the relevant department administrator(s) to determine the next steps and timeline for submission. Typically your proposal submission will be coordinated through OCGA, but you should reach out as soon as possible to the relevant contacts in your department to determine which offices on campus you will need to coordinate with prior to submission.

I was selected as UCLA's nominee to submit a full proposal to the sponsoring agency. What if I am unable/decide not to submit after all?

Being awarded a submission slot for an LSO is a privilege, even when there was not a competition for the slot. When awarding a designated application slot, the review committee has every expectation that the selected team will follow through and apply. If circumstances arise that lead a selected team to believe that it will not be able to submit the application to the funding agency, it is expected that the team will immediately notify the LSO office ( so that the slot may be assigned to another team or reopened. A team's failure to follow through with an application and provide prompt notification to the LSO office is information that the review committee may consider in future decisions.

Besides submitting to the sponsoring agency, do I have any other obligations if selected for a UCLA application slot?

Our office would like to track the outcomes of limited submission opportunities. Most importantly, we would like to be advised if the application has been submitted, as well as whether an application advances beyond a pre-proposal (if applicable) and, ultimately, is funded by the sponsoring agency. Please send any updates to


The calendars are for planning purposes. The timelines given are approximate and may change based on information from the sponsor.

Check out our lists of annually recurring foundation LSOs, organized by the quarter we anticipate opening the competition.

Fall Quarter LSOs

Winter Quarter LSOs

Spring Quarter LSOs

Summer Quarter LSOs

If an opportunity isn't posted and you're unsure whether it's an LSO, refer to our guide, "How to Identify a Limited Submission", to review sponsor guidelines for indications of institutional limits. 

UCLA staff in the Office of Foundation Relations and Corporate Philanthropy and Divisional Corporate and Foundation Relations Offices play a vital role in cultivating and maintaining relationships between UCLA and philanthropic organizations. Our colleagues in these offices provide assistance and their expertise throughout the LSO process.

UCLA Foundation Relations & Corporate Philanthropy

College of Letters and Science CFR Office

Fielding School of Public Health CFR Office

Samueli School of Engineering CFR Office